## nameservers for genome are troth(primary) and malt (secondary)
## go here to update named records: On Troth.
cd /usr/local/etc/named/master

## list of all domains on troth ##
troth> ls
127.0.0.rev             aspgd.org               geneontology.org
171.rev                 candidagenome.org       godatabase.org
RCS                     ciliate.org             microarray.org
aspergillusgenome.org   dnachip.org             prophyler.org
aspergillusgenomes.org  genename.org            yeastgenome.org

We are going to change the following:
candidagenome.org ## on hypha production is on hypha too!
aspergillusgenome.org ## on conidium for dev
aspergillusgenomes.org ## on conidium for dev
aspgd.org ## on conidium for dev

## need to checkout and lock the file:
co -l candidagenome.org
vi candidagenome
 Make changes
change Time To Live day serial number (2011102301) '23' or it won't propogate.

## reload the zone in named ##
sudo rndc reload candidagenome.org 

### check to see if it works from any machine type:
host wymore-bud.candidagenome.org genetics-xns1.stanford.edu
## check the dmesg to see if there was an error on the named restart.
run dmesg  "to see if any errors"

## checkin and unlock file
ci -u candidagenome.org